Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Network Management in Organization for Cyber-myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theNetwork Management in Organization for Cyber Stalking. Answer: Introduction The excessive utilization of the internet for every small to big concept results into the cyber-crime activities. The cyber-criminals are looking opportunity for hacking, theft, and malicious activity. The cyber-crimes activities mainly focus on damaging the confidentiality of information and adding malwares to the software program. These are the illegal activities which can violate the laws enforcement for damaging the effective functioning of the cyber-environment. The adverse effect on the society can be seen due to the increasing growth of cyber-piracy, internet pornography, and cyber-stalking. The cyber task force should be created for developing new policies and procedures framework to secure the society from the cyber-attacks. The cyber task force works with the association of law enforcement agencies to develop effective laws and legal obligations to cope up with the cyber-attack problems. Research Aim In this paper we are looking forward to analyse the cyber-attacks which are responsible for adversely affecting the society such as cyber-piracy, internet pornography, and cyber stalking. The focus should be given on the research carried on the development of cyber task force to develop legal obligation with the association of the law enforcing agencies. The research should be carried on analysing the working and effectiveness of the cyber task force. Research Objective The objective of this paper is to review the literature on cyber-crime and its impact on the society. The focus should be given on the target audience which get affected due to the illegal activities of cyber-environment. The research should be carried on analysing the working and effectiveness of the cyber task force. The development of the legal obligations helps to minimize the problem of cyber-attack on society. Literature Review The literature review was conducted on the cyber-crime to initialize the impact on society. The increasing growth of internet and its related application creates a new opportunity for the hacker to theft the information and data from the customers accounts. The cyber-piracy, cyber-stalking, and internet pornography have negatively affect the society. The cyber piracy is the copyright material related to music, recordings, movies, and others. The market value of the original videos, recordings, audios, and music is devaluated due to the increasing activity of cyber-piracy. The people get attracted towards the movies and music at minimum cost which give confidence to the pirates to develop more and more pirated copies of the material without the permission of the owner. The cyber-stalking had a direct impact on the psychological status of the people. The spreading of rumours, identity thefts, defamation, and others on the internet can harness the mental condition of the victim and made him compel to take suicidal action. The cyber-stalking threatened the life of the victim by spreading false rumours about his image in the society. The major cases are heard of suicide by the youngster due to the defamation of image on the internet. The behaviours of the individuals are moving towards the sexual activities due to the inclusion of internet pornography. The internet pornography makes a direct impact on the human behaviour towards the sexual aggression. It give rise to sexual molestation and rape cases in the society. It arouses the feeling of sex which results into the violation of women. From the research conducted on the Australian government, it is found that the government has taken subsequent steps to develop laws for minimizing the cyber-crime impact on society. The US Government has taken action for developing a cyber-security task force to fight against increasing growth of cyber threat at global level. The task force is comprised of various people from justi ce department and federal agencies to take effective decision against the people who are working in the field of cyber-crimes. The task force is designed for maintaining records of the cyber-crime activities and grapping the concern person who took part in the cyber-crime activities. The cyber digital task force develop various tools for to grab the criminals and develops the mitigate plans to protect the society from criminal activities. The awareness messages are released from the authorities not the react with the fake accounts, do not provide any secret information through the online portal, and others. The personal details and confidential information should not be handed to the unknown third party because it can open the chance for cyber-stalking. The piracy of the movies should be banned without having a copyright ace from the owner. The internet pornography sites should be banned for the individual who are below the age of 18 years. The open accessing of the pornography site s should be omitted to the individual. It has been viewed that the development of the task force can prtect the society from the increasing growth of cyber-crime which is having the direct impact on the individual psychological status. Methodology The qualitative methodology is undertaken to collect the data on the types of cyber-crimes and their adverse effect on society. The online and offline tools are used to collect effective data for research on cyber-attack and its impacts. Interview: The interview is conducted with the IT professional to give their perspective view on the designed research questions which are developed to get details about cyber-stalking, internet pornography, and cyber piracy and their impact on the society. The professional shared their views on the increasing growth of cyber-crime and anomalies which occurred in the work environment. Questionnaire: The group of IT experts, society leaders, and students are gathered together to present their views on the listed questions about the cyber-crime and its impact. The different perspectives views of the group members are noted down in the well-developed format. Literature Review: The study of the literature review helps in identifying the cyber-crimes which directly affect the growing generation of society. The theoretical framework of the literature review helps in analysing the facts and figures about the cyber-crimes and its consequences on the society. Online Sources: The reading of the e-magazines, news, and participation in the online chat session helps in identifying the new facts and research carried out in the field of cyber-crimes with respect to society. Discussion and Analysis The research study helps in analysing that a strict action should be taken to ban the growth of cyber-crime and its associated impact on the society. The national government of the countries should develop their cyber digital task force similar to the Australia and United states to protect the dignity of the individual against the impact of cyber-crime. The awareness programs should be arranged for providing the guidance to the citizen about using the internet services and protect themselves from the attacks of the cyber-stalking. The people should deny using the pirated music and videos. The concentration of the individual in carrying out their activities can be disturbed with the internet pornography and they cannot provide their capabilities and expertise to the required work. The individual should be guided to the negative impact of the pornography websites on the psychological status of the mind. The respect should be given to the women. The cyber digital task force develop vari ous tools for to grab the criminals and develops the mitigate plans to protect the society from criminal activities. The new policies framework should be developed regarding the banning of cyber-piracy and internet pornography websites. Conclusion From the research study, it is concluded that individual should be careful about using the internet services and does not provide their confidential information to the unknown third party. The awareness programs should be arranged for providing the guidance to the citizen about using the internet services and protect themselves from the attacks of the cyber-stalking. References: [1]C. Brown,Investigating and prosecuting cyber-crime: Forensic dependencies and barrier to justice. 2015. [2]S. Kotwal and J. Manhas,Investigation of different constraints in cyber-crime and digital forensic. 2017. [3]S. 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